===================================== 〔語彙分解〕的な部分一致の検索結果は以下の通りです。 ・ 工 : [たくみ] 1. (n,adj-na) (1) workman 2. artisan 3. mechanic 4. carpenter 5. (2) craft 6. skill 7. (3) means 8. idea ・ 工科 : [こうか] 【名詞】 1. engineering course ・ 工科大学 : [こうかだいがく] (n) engineering college ・ 科 : [か] 1. (n,n-suf) department 2. section ・ 大学 : [だいがく] 【名詞】 1. (1) university 2. (2) the Great Learning - one of the Four Books ・ 学 : [がく] 【名詞】 1. learning 2. scholarship 3. erudition 4. knowledge
ビクトリア大学(びくとりあだいがく、)は、オーストラリア、ビクトリア州にある公立大学で、高等教育とTAFEの両方をもつ。メルボルン西部のいくつかのカレッジやTAFEなどを統合してできた大学で、ビクトリア工科大学(Victoria University of Technology)として知られていたが、2005年にビクトリア大学(Victoria University)と正式に名称が変更された。 ==学部== * Faculty of Arts, Education & Human Development * School of Communication, Culture and Languages * School of Education * School of Human Movement, Recreation and Performance * School of Psychology * School of Social Sciences * Faculty of Business and Law * School of Accounting and Finance * School of Applied Economics * School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing * School of Information Systems * School of Law * School of Management * School of Victoria Graduate School of Business * Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science * School of Architectural Civil & Mechanical Engineering * School of Biomedical Sciences * School of Computer Science & Mathematics * School of Electrical Engineering * School of Health Sciences * School of Molecular Sciences * School of Nursing and Midwifery * Faculty of Technical and Trades Innovation * School of Automotive & Engineering Technology * School of Construction Industries * School of Industry Skills Training * School of IT & Electrotechnology * Faculty of Workforce Development * School of Creative Industries * School of Family & Community Studies * School of Nursing & Health Studies * School of Sports & Science * School of Financial & Library Studies * School of Administration, Legal & Leadership * School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events * School of Management, Marketing & Logistics * School of Personal Services * Victoria University College (VU College) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「ビクトリア大学 (オーストラリア)」の詳細全文を読む 英語版ウィキペディアに対照対訳語「 Victoria University, Australia 」があります。 スポンサード リンク