(exp) to swim with the current =========================== ・ 時 : [とき] 1. (n-adv,n) (1) time 2. hour 3. (2) occasion 4. moment ・ 時流 : [じりゅう] 【名詞】 1. fashion (current) of the times 2. general drift of affairs ・ 時流に乗って泳ぐ : [じりゅうにのっておよぐ] (exp) to swim with the current ・ 流 : [りゅう] 1. (n,n-suf) style of 2. method of 3. manner of 4. school (of thought) ・ 泳ぐ : [およぐ] 1. (v5g) to swim スポンサード リンク