Words near each other
・ antechamber
・ antechapel
・ antechoir
・ antecians
・ antecommunion
・ antecursor
・ antedate
・ antediluvial
・ antediluvian
・ antefact
・ antefix
・ anteflexion
・ antelope
・ antelucan
・ antemeridian
・ antemetic
・ antemosaic
・ antemundane
・ antemural
・ antenatal

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Antefix : 英英辞書
(), n.; pl. E. Antefixes (); L. Antefixa (). [L. ante + fixus fixed.] (Arch.) (a) An ornament fixed upon a frieze. (b) An ornament at the eaves, concealing the ends of the joint tiles of the roof. (c) An ornament of the cymatium of a classic cornice, sometimes pierced for the escape of water. [Image]

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