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・ antrum
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・ anubis
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・ anxietude
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・ anxiously
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・ anybody
・ anyhow
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Anxious : 英英辞書
(k"shs), a.[L. anxius, fr. angere to cause pain, choke; akin to Gr. 'a°gchein to choke. See Anger.]
1. Full of anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous, esp. respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense; -- applied to persons; as, anxious for the issue of a battle.
2. Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying; -- applied to things; as, anxious labor.
The sweet of life, from which
God hath bid dwell far off all anxious cares.
3. Earnestly desirous; as, anxious to please.
He sneers alike at those who are anxious to preserve and at those who are eager for reform.
Anxious is followed by for, about, concerning, etc., before the object of solicitude.
Syn. -- Solicitous; careful; uneasy; unquiet; restless; concerned; disturbed; watchful.

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