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Argent : 英英辞書
(), n.[F. argent, fr. L. argentum, silver; akin to Gr. 'a°rgyros silver, 'argo°s, 'argh°s, white, bright, Skr. rajata white, silver, raj to shine, Ir. arg white, milk, airgiod silver, money, and L. arguere to make clear. See Argue.]
1. Silver, or money. [Archaic]
2. (Fig. & Poet.) Whiteness; anything that is white.
The polished argent of her breast.
3. (Her.) The white color in coats of arms, intended to represent silver, or, figuratively, purity, innocence, beauty, or gentleness; -- represented in engraving by a plain white surface. Weale.

a.Made of silver; of a silvery color; white; shining.
Yonder argent fields above.

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