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Criminal : 英英辞書
(kr?m"?-nal), a.[L. criminalis, fr. crimen: cf. F. criminel. See Crime.]
1. Guilty of crime or sin.
The neglect of any of the relative duties renders us criminal in the sight of God.
2. Involving a crime; of the nature of a crime; -- said of an act or of conduct; as, criminal carelessness.
Foppish and fantastic ornaments are only indications of vice, not criminal in themselves.
3. Relating to crime; -- opposed to civil; as, the criminal code.
The officers and servants of the crown, violating the personal liberty, or other right of the subject . . . were in some cases liable to criminal process.
Criminal action (Law), an action or suit instituted to secure conviction and punishment for a crime.
Criminal conversation (Law), unlawful intercourse with a married woman; adultery; -- usually abbreviated, crim. con.
Criminal law, the law which relates to crimes.

n.One who has commited a crime; especially, one who is found guilty by verdict, confession, or proof; a malefactor; a felon.

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