(), a.[L. mutilatus, p. p. of mutilare to mutilate, fr. mutilus maimed; cf. Gr. , . Cf. Mutton.] 1. Deprived of, or having lost, an important part; mutilated. Sir T. Browne. 2. (Zol.) Having finlike appendages or flukes instead of legs, as a cetacean. Mu"tilate n.(Zol.) A cetacean, or a sirenian. Mu"tilate (), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Mutilated (); p. pr. & vb. n.Mutilating ().] 1. To cut off or remove a limb or essential part of; to maim; to cripple; to hack; as, to mutilate the body, a statue, etc. 2. To destroy or remove a material part of, so as to render imperfect; as, to mutilate the orations of Cicero. Among the mutilated poets of antiquity, there is none whose fragments are so beautiful as those of Sappho. Addison. Mutilated gear, Mutilated wheel (Mach.), a gear wheel from a portion of whose periphery the cogs are omitted. It is used for giving intermittent movements. スポンサード リンク