Words near each other
・ papyraceous
・ papyrean
・ papyrine
・ papyrograph
・ papyrography
・ papyrus
・ par
・ para
・ para grass
・ para nut
・ para-
・ para-anparabanic
・ parablast
・ parablastic
・ parable
・ parabola
・ parabole
・ parabolic
・ parabolical
・ parabolically

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Para- : 英英辞書
(). [Gr. para° beside; prob. akin to E. for- in forgive. Cf. For-.]
1. A prefix signifying alongside of, beside, beyond, against, amiss; as parable, literally, a placing beside; paradox, that which is contrary to opinion; parachronism.
2. (Chem.) A prefix denoting: (a) Likeness, similarity, or connection, or that the substance resembles, but is distinct from, that to the name of which it is prefixed; as paraldehyde, paraconine, etc.; also, an isomeric modification. (b) Specifically: (Organ. Chem.) That two groups or radicals substituted in the benzene nucleus are opposite, or in the respective positions 1 and 4; 2 and 5; or 3 and 6, as paraxylene; paroxybenzoic acid. Cf. Ortho-, and Meta-. Also used adjectively.

(), n.[Turk., fr. Per. prah a piece.] A piece of Turkish money, usually copper, the fortieth part of a piaster, or about one ninth of a cent.

(), n.
1. The southern arm of the Amazon in Brazil; also, a seaport on this arm.
2. Short for Par rubber.

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