Words near each other
・ pawnbroker
・ pawnbroking
・ pawnee
・ pawnees
・ pawner
・ pawnor
・ pawpaw
・ pax
・ paxillose
・ paxillus
・ paxwax
・ paxywaxy
・ pay
・ pay cerps
・ pay dirt
・ pay rock
・ pay streak
・ payable
・ payee
・ payen

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Paxwax : 英英辞書
(), n.[For faxvax, fr. AS. fea hair (akin to OHG. fahs) + weaxan to grow. See Wax to grow, and cf. Faxed, Pectinate.] (Anat.) The strong ligament of the back of the neck in quadrupeds. It connects the back of the skull with dorsal spines of the cervical vertebr, and helps to support the head. Called also paxywaxy and packwax.

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