Words near each other
・ ransomless
・ rant
・ ranter
・ ranterism
・ rantingly
・ rantipole
・ rantism
・ ranty
・ ranula
・ ranunculaceous
・ ranunculus
・ ranz des vaches
・ rap
・ rapaces
・ rapacious
・ rapacity
・ raparee
・ rape
・ rapeful
・ rapfully

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Ranunculus : 英英辞書
(rn"kls), n.; pl. E. Ranunculuses (-z), L. Ranunculi (-l). [L., a little frog, a medicinal plant, perhaps crowfoot, dim. of rana a frog; cf. raccare to roar.] (Bot.) A genus of herbs, mostly with yellow flowers, including crowfoot, buttercups, and the cultivated ranunculi (R. Asiaticus, R. aconitifolius, etc.) in which the flowers are double and of various colors.

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