Words near each other
・ sodic
・ sodio-
・ sodium
・ sodium sulphate
・ sodomite
・ sodomitical
・ sodomy
・ soe
・ soever
・ sofa
・ soffit
・ sofi
・ sofism
・ soft
・ soft steel
・ soft-finned
・ soft-headed
・ soft-hearted
・ soft-shell
・ soft-spoken

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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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Soffit : 英英辞書
(), n.[It. soffitta, soffitto, fr. soffiggere to hide, properly, to fix or fasten under, L. suffigere to fasten beneath or below; sub under, beneath + figere to fix, faste: cf. F. soffite.] (Arch.) The under side of the subordinate parts and members of buildings, such as staircases, entablatures, archways, cornices, or the like. See Illust. of Lintel.

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