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・ spinel
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・ spinelle
・ spinescence
・ spinescent
・ spinet
・ spinetail
・ spineted
・ spini-spirulate
・ spiniferous
・ spinifex
・ spiniform
・ spinigerous
・ spininess
・ spink
・ spinnaker
・ spinner
・ spinneret
・ spinnerule
・ spinney

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Spinifex : 英英辞書
(), n.[NL.; L. spina spine + facere to make.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of chiefly Australian grasses, the seeds of which bear an elastic spine. S. hirsutus (black grass) and S. longifolius are useful as sand binders. S. paradoxusis a valuable perennial fodder plant. Also, a plant of this genus.
2. Any of several Australian grasses of the genus Tricuspis, which often form dense, almost impassable growth, their leaves being stiff and sharp-pointed.

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