Words near each other
・ telestereoscope
・ telestic
・ telestich
・ telethermograph
・ telethermometer
・ teleutospore
・ telford
・ telfordize
・ telharmonic
・ telharmonium
・ telharmony
・ telic
・ tell
・ tellable
・ tellen
・ teller
・ tellership
・ tellina
・ telling
・ telltale

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Telharmony : 英英辞書
(), n.[Gr. th^le far + harmolium.] Telhar"mony ().} An instrument for producing music (telharmony), at a distant point or points by means of alternating currents of electricity controlled by an operator who plays on a keyboard. The music is produced by a receiving instrument similar or analogous to the telephone, but not held to the ear. The pitch corresponds with frequency of alternation of current.

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翻訳と辞書 : 翻訳のためのインターネットリソース

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