Words near each other
・ triturium
・ trityl
・ tritylene
・ triumph
・ triumphal
・ triumphant
・ triumphantly
・ triumpher
・ triumphing
・ triumvir
・ triumvirate
・ triumviry
・ triune
・ triungulus
・ triunity
・ trivalence
・ trivalent
・ trivalve
・ trivalvular
・ trivant

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Triumvirate : 英英辞書
(), n.[L. triumviratus: cf. F. triumvirat.]
1. Government by three in coalition or association; the term of such a government.
2. A coalition or association of three in office or authority; especially, the union of three men who obtained the government of the Roman empire.

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翻訳と辞書 : 翻訳のためのインターネットリソース

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