(), v. t.[AS. underlecgan. See Under, and Lay, v. t.] 1. To lay beneath; to put under. 2. To raise or support by something laid under; as, to underlay a cut, plate, or the like, for printing. See Underlay, n., 2. 3. To put a tap on (a shoe). [Prov. Eng.] Un°derlay" v. i.(Mining) To incline from the vertical; to hade; -- said of a vein, fault, or lode. Un"derlay° (), n. 1. (Mining) The inclination of a vein, fault, or lode from the vertical; a hade; -- called also underlie. 2. (Print.) A thickness of paper, pasteboard, or the like, placed under a cut, or stereotype plate, or under type, in the from, to bring it, or any part of it, to the proper height; also, something placed back of a part of the tympan, so as to secure the right impression. スポンサード リンク