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also : 英英辞書
(), adv. & conj.[All + so. OE. al so, AS. ealsw, alsw, lsw; eal, al, l, all + sw so. See All, So, As.]
1. In like manner; likewise. [Obs.]
2. In addition; besides; as well; further; too.
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven . . . for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matt. vi. 20.
3. Even as; as; so. [Obs.] Chaucer.
Syn. -- Also, Likewise, Too. These words are used by way of transition, in leaving one thought and passing to another. Also is the widest term. It denotes that what follows is all so, or entirely like that which preceded, or may be affirmed with the same truth; as, "If you were there, I was there also;" "If our situation has some discomforts, it has also many sources of enjoyment." Too is simply less formal and pointed than also; it marks the transition with a lighter touch; as, "I was there too;" "a courtier yet a patriot too." Pope. Likewise denotes literally "in like manner," and hence has been thought b

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