Words near each other
・ anchored
・ anchoress
・ anchoret
・ anchoretic
・ anchoretical
・ anchoretish
・ anchoretism
・ anchorite
・ anchoritess
・ anchorless
・ anchovy pear
・ anchusin
・ anchylose
・ anchylosis
・ anchylotic
・ ancient
・ anciently
・ ancientness
・ ancientry

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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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anchovy : 英英辞書
(nch"v), n.[Sp. anchoa, anchova, or Pg. anchova, prob. of Iberian origin, and lit. a dried or pickled fish, fr. Bisc. antzua dry: cf. D. anchovis, F. anchois.] (Zol.) A small fish, about three inches in length, of the Herring family (Engraulis encrasicholus), caught in vast numbers in the Mediterranean, and pickled for exportation. The name is also applied to several allied species. [Image]

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