Words near each other
・ archer fish
・ archeress
・ archership
・ archery
・ arches
・ archetypal
・ archetypally
・ archetype
・ archetypical
・ archeus
・ archiannelida
・ archiater
・ archibald wheel
・ archiblastula
・ archical
・ archidiaconal
・ archiepiscopacy
・ archiepiscopal
・ archiepiscopality

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archi- : 英英辞書
(). [L., archi-, Gr. 'archi-, a prefix which is from the same root as 'a°rchein to be first, to begin; 'archh the first place, beginning; 'archo°s chief. Cf. AS. arce-, erce-, OHG. erzi-, G. erz-.] A prefix signifying chief, arch; as, architect, archiepiscopal. In Biol. and Anat. it usually means primitive, original, ancestral; as, archipterygium, the primitive fin or wing.

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