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・ arseniuret
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・ artemisia
・ arteriac
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・ arterialization
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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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arson : 英英辞書
(r"s'n; 277), n.[OF. arson, arsun, fr. L. ardere, arsum, to burn.] (Law) The malicious burning of a dwelling house or outhouse of another man, which by the common law is felony; the malicious and voluntary firing of a building or ship. Wharton.
The definition of this crime is varied by statues in different countries and states. The English law of arson has been considerably modified in the United States; in some of the States it has been materially enlarged, while in others, various degrees of arson have been established, with corresponding punishment. Burrill.

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