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as : 英英辞書
(z), adv. & conj.[OE. as, als, alse, also, al swa, AS. eal sw, lit. all so; hence, quite so, quite as: cf. G. als as, than, also so, then. See Also.]
1. Denoting equality or likeness in kind, degree, or manner; like; similar to; in the same manner with or in which; in accordance with; in proportion to; to the extent or degree in which or to which; equally; no less than; as, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil; you will reap as you sow; do as you are bidden.
His spiritual attendants adjured him, as he loved his soul, to emancipate his brethren.
As is often preceded by one of the antecedent or correlative words such, same, so, or as, in expressing an equality or comparison; as, give us such things as you please, and so long as you please, or as long as you please; he is not so brave as Cato; she is as amiable as she is handsome; come as quickly as possible. "Bees appear fortunately to prefer the same colors as we do." Lubbock. As, in a preceding part of a sentence, has suc
(), n.[See Ace.] An ace. [Obs.] Chaucer.
Ambes-as, double aces.

(), n.; pl. Asses (). [L. as. See Ace.]
1. A Roman weight, answering to the libra or pound, equal to nearly eleven ounces Troy weight. It was divided into twelve ounces.
2. A Roman copper coin, originally of a pound weight (12 oz.); but reduced, after the first Punic war, to two ounces; in the second Punic war, to one ounce; and afterwards to half an ounce.

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