(t"trbt), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Attributed; p. pr. & vb. n.Attributing.] [L. attributus, p. p. of attribuere; ad + tribuere to bestow. See Tribute.] To ascribe; to consider (something) as due or appropriate (to); to refer, as an effect to a cause; to impute; to assign; to consider as belonging (to). We attribute nothing to God that hath any repugnancy or contradiction in it. Abp. Tillotson. The merit of service is seldom attributed to the true and exact performer. Shak. Syn. -- See Ascribe. At"tribute (), n.[L. attributum.] 1. That which is attributed; a quality which is considered as belonging to, or inherent in, a person or thing; an essential or necessary property or characteristic. But mercy is above this sceptered away; . . . It is an attribute to God himself. Shak. 2. Reputation. [Poetic] Shak. 3. (Paint. & Sculp.) A conventional symbol of office, character, or identity, added to any particular figure; as, a club is the attribute of Hercules. 4. (Gram.) Quality, etc., denoted by an attributive; an attributive adjunct or adjective. スポンサード リンク