(), a.[OE. autentik, OF. autentique, F. authentique, L. authenticus coming from the real author, of original or firsthand authority, from Gr. , fr. suicide, a perpetrator or real author of any act, an absolute master; a'yto°s self + a form "enths (not found), akin to L. sons and perh. orig. from the p. pr. of e'i^nai to be, root as, and meaning the one it really is. See Am, Sin, n., and cf. Effendi.] 1. Having a genuine original or authority, in opposition to that which is false, fictitious, counterfeit, or apocryphal; being what it purports to be; genuine; not of doubtful origin; real; as, an authentic paper or register. To be avenged On him who had stole Jove's authentic fire. Milton. 2. Authoritative. [Obs.] Milton. 3. Of approved authority; true; trustworthy; credible; as, an authentic writer; an authentic portrait; authentic information. 4. (Law) Vested with all due formalities, and legally attested. 5. (Mus.) Having as immediate relation to the tonic, in dis Authen"tic n.An original (book or document). [Obs.] "Authentics and transcripts." Fuller. スポンサード リンク