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blink : 英英辞書
(), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Blinked (); p. pr. & vb. n.Blinking.] [OE. blenken; akin to dan. blinke, Sw. blinka, G. blinken to shine, glance, wink, twinkle, D. blinken to shine; and prob. to D. blikken to glance, twinkle, G. blicken to look, glance, AS. blcan to shine, E. bleak. 98. See Bleak; cf. 1st Blench.]
1. To wink; to twinkle with, or as with, the eye.
One eye was blinking, and one leg was lame.
2. To see with the eyes half shut, or indistinctly and with frequent winking, as a person with weak eyes.
Show me thy chink, to blink through with mine eyne.
3. To shine, esp. with intermittent light; to twinkle; to flicker; to glimmer, as a lamp.
The dew was falling fast, the stars began to blink.
The sun blinked fair on pool and stream .
Sir W. Scott.
4. To turn slightly sour, as beer, mild, etc.

v. t.
1. To shut out of sight; to avoid, or purposely evade; to shirk; as, to blink the question.
2. To trick; to deceive. [Scot.] Jamieson.

n.[OE. blink. See Blink, v. i. ]
1. A glimpse or glance.
This is the first blink that ever I had of him.
Bp. Hall.
2. Gleam; glimmer; sparkle. Sir W. Scott.
Not a blink of light was there.
3. (Naut.) The dazzling whiteness about the horizon caused by the reflection of light from fields of ice at sea; ice blink.
4. pl.[Cf. Blencher.] (Sporting) Boughs cast where deer are to pass, to turn or check them. [Prov. Eng.]

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