(), an obs. form of began, imp. & p. p. of Begin, sometimes used in old poetry. [See Gan.] With gentle words he can faile gree. Spenser. Can n.[OE. & AS. canne; akin to D. Kan, G. Kanne, OHG. channa, Sw. Kanna, Dan. kande.] 1. A drinking cup; a vessel for holding liquids. [Shak. ] Fill the cup and fill can, Have a rouse before the morn. Tennyson. 2. A vessel or case of tinned iron or of sheet metal, of various forms, but usually cylindrical; as, a can of tomatoes; an oil can; a milk can. A can may be a cylinder open at the top, as for receiving the sliver from a carding machine, or with a removable cover or stopper, as for holding tea, spices, milk, oysters, etc., or with handle and spout, as for holding oil, or hermetically sealed, in canning meats, fruits, etc. The name is also sometimes given to the small glass or earthenware jar used in canning. Can (), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Canned (); p. pr. &vb. n.Canning.] To preserve by putting in sealed cans [U. S.] "Canned meats" W. D. Howells. Canned goods, a general name for fruit, vegetables, meat, or fish, preserved in hermetically sealed cans. Can (), v. t. & i.[The transitive use is obsolete.] [imp.Could ().] [OE. cunnen, cannen (1st sing. pres. I can), to know, know how, be able, AS. cunnan, 1st sing. pres. ic cann or can, pl. cunnon, 1st sing. imp. ce (for cune); p. p. c (for cun); akin to OS. Kunnan, D. Kunnen, OHG. chunnan, G. knnen, Icel. kunna, Goth. Kunnan, and E. ken to know. The present tense I can (AS. ic cann) was originally a preterit, meaning I have known or Learned, and hence I know, know how. 45. See Ken, Know; cf. Con, Cunning, Uncouth.] 1. To know; to understand. [Obs.] I can rimes of Rodin Hood. Piers Plowman. I can no Latin, quod she. Piers Plowman. Let the priest in surplice white, That defunctive music can. Shak. 2. To be able to do; to have power or influence. [Obs.] The will of Him who all things can. Milton. For what, alas, can these my single arms? Shak. Mcnas and Agrippa, who can most with Csar. Beau. & Fl. 3. To be able; -- followed b スポンサード リンク