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change : 英英辞書
(chnj), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Changed (chnjd); p. pr. & vb. n.Changing.] [F. changer, fr. LL. cambiare, to exchange, barter, L. cambire. Cf. Cambial.]
1. To alter; to make different; to cause to pass from one state to another; as, to change the position, character, or appearance of a thing; to change the countenance.
Therefore will I change their glory into shame.
Hosea. iv. 7.
2. To alter by substituting something else for, or by giving up for something else; as, to change the clothes; to change one's occupation; to change one's intention.
They that do change old love for new,
Pray gods, they change for worse!
3. To give and take reciprocally; to exchange; -- followed by with; as, to change place, or hats, or money, with another.
Look upon those thousands with whom thou wouldst not, for any interest, change thy fortune and condition.
Jer. Taylor.
4. Specifically: To give, or receive, smaller denominations of money (technically called change) for; as, to change a gold
v. i.
1. To be altered; to undergo variation; as, men sometimes change for the better.
For I am Lord, I change not.
Mal. iii. 6.
2. To pass from one phase to another; as, the moon changes to-morrow night.

n.[F. change, fr. changer. See Change. v. t.]
1. Any variation or alteration; a passing from one state or form to another; as, a change of countenance; a change of habits or principles.
Apprehensions of a change of dynasty.
All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
Job xiv. 14.
2. A succesion or substitution of one thing in the place of another; a difference; novelty; variety; as, a change of seasons.
Our fathers did for change to France repair.
The ringing grooves of change.
3. A passing from one phase to another; as, a change of the moon.
4. Alteration in the order of a series; permutation.
5. That which makes a variety, or may be substituted for another.
Thirty change (R.V. changes) of garments.
Judg. xiv. 12.
6. Small money; the money by means of which the larger coins and bank bills are made available in small dealings; hence, the balance returned when payment is tendered by a coin or note exceeding the sum due.
7. [See Exchan

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