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defend : 英英辞書
(dfnd"), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Defended; p. pr. & vb. n.Defending.] [F. dfendre, L. defendere; de- + fendere (only in comp.) to strike; perh. akin to Gr. qei°nein to strike, and E. dint. Cf. Dint, Defense, Fend.]
1. To ward or fend off; to drive back or away; to repel. [A Latinism & Obs.]
Th' other strove for to defend
The force of Vulcan with his might and main.
2. To prohibit; to forbid. [Obs.] Chaucer.
Which God defend that I should wring from him.
3. To repel danger or harm from; to protect; to secure against attack; to maintain against force or argument; to uphold; to guard; as, to defend a town; to defend a cause; to defend character; to defend the absent; -- sometimes followed by from or against; as, to defend one's self from, or against, one's enemies.
The lord mayor craves aid . . . to defend the city.
God defend the right!
A village near it was defended by the river.
4. (Law) To deny the right of the p

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