(), a.[Pref. dis- + honest: cf. F. dshonnte, OF. deshoneste.] 1. Dishonorable; shameful; indecent; unchaste; lewd. [Obs.] Inglorious triumphs and dishonest scars. Pope. Speak no foul or dishonest words before them [the women]. Sir T. North. 2. Dishonored; disgraced; disfigured. [Obs.] Dishonest with lopped arms the youth appears, Spoiled of his nose and shortened of his ears. Dryden. 3. Wanting in honesty; void of integrity; faithless; disposed to cheat or defraud; not trustworthy; as, a dishonest man. 4. Characterized by fraud; indicating a want of probity; knavish; fraudulent; unjust. To get dishonest gain. Ezek. xxii. 27. The dishonest profits of men in office. Bancroft. Dishon"est v. t.[Cf. OF. deshonester.] To disgrace; to dishonor; as, to dishonest a maid. [Obs.] I will no longer dishonest my house. Chapman. スポンサード リンク