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eat : 英英辞書
(t), v. t.[imp.Ate (t; 277), Obsolescent & Colloq. Eat (t); p. p.Eaten (t"'n), Obs. or Colloq. Eat (t); p. pr. & vb. n.Eating.] [OE. eten, AS. etan; akin to OS. etan, OFries. eta, D. eten, OHG. ezzan, G. essen, Icel. eta, Sw. ta, Dan. de, Goth. itan, Ir. & Gael. ith, W. ysu, L. edere, Gr. 'e°dein, Skr. ad. 6. Cf. Etch, Fret to rub, Edible.]
1. To chew and swallow as food; to devour; -- said especially of food not liquid; as, to eat bread. "To eat grass as oxen." Dan. iv. 25.
They . . . ate the sacrifices of the dead.
Ps. cvi. 28.
The lean . . . did eat up the first seven fat kine.
Gen. xli. 20.
The lion had not eaten the carcass.
1 Kings xiii. 28.
With stories told of many a feat,
How fairy Mab the junkets eat.
The island princes overbold
Have eat our substance.
His wretched estate is eaten up with mortgages.
2. To corrode, as metal, by rust; to consume the flesh, as a cancer; to waste or wea
v. i.
1. To take food; to feed; especially, to take solid, in distinction from liquid, food; to board.
He did eat continually at the king's table.
2 Sam. ix. 13.
2. To taste or relish; as, it eats like tender beef.
3. To make one's way slowly.
To eat, To eat in or
into, to make way by corrosion; to gnaw; to consume. "A sword laid by, which eats into itself." Byron.
To eat to windward (Naut.), to keep the course when closehauled with but little steering; -- said of a vessel.

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