Words near each other
・ essayer
・ essayist
・ essence
・ essene
・ essenism
・ essential
・ essentiality
・ essentially
・ essentialness
・ essentiate
・ essoin
・ essoiner
・ essonite
・ essorant
・ est
・ establish
・ established suit
・ establisher
・ establishment

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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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essoign : 英英辞書
() or Essoign}, n.[OF. essoine, essoigne, F. exoine, L. essonia, exonia; pref. ex- (L. ex from) + sunnis, sunnia, sonia, hindrance, excuse. Cf. Icel. syn refusal, synja to deny, refuse, Goth. sunja truth, sunjn to justify, OS. sunnea impediment, OHG. sunna.]
1. (Eng. Law) An excuse for not appearing in court at the return of process; the allegation of an excuse to the court.
2. Excuse; exemption. [Obs.]
From every work he challenged essoin.
Essoin day (Eng. Law), the first general return day of the term, on which the court sits to receive essoins. Blackstone.

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