Words near each other
・ flatuosity
・ flatuous
・ flatus
・ flatware
・ flatwise
・ flatworm
・ flaundrish
・ flaunt
・ flauntingly
・ flautist
・ flavaniline
・ flavescent
・ flavicomous
・ flavin
・ flavine
・ flavol
・ flavor
・ flavored
・ flavorless

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flauto : 英英辞書
(flou"t), n.[It.] A flute.
Flaute piccolo () [It., little flute], an octave flute.
Flauto traverso () [It., transverse flute], the German flute, held laterally, instead of being played, like the old flte bec, with a mouth piece at the end.

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