(), a.[Full, a. + -some.] 1. Full; abundant; plenteous; not shriveled. [Obs.] His lean, pale, hoar, and withered corpse grew fulsome, fair, and fresh. Golding. 2. Offending or disgusting by overfullness, excess, or grossness; cloying; gross; nauseous; esp., offensive from excess of praise; as, fulsome flattery. And lest the fulsome artifice should fail Themselves will hide its coarseness with a veil. Cowper. 3. Lustful; wanton; obscene; also, tending to obscenity. [Obs.] "Fulsome ewes." Shak. -- Ful"somely, adv. -- Ful"someness, n.Dryden. スポンサード リンク