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hatch : 英英辞書
(hch), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Hatched (hcht); p. pr. & vb. n.Hatching.] [F. hacher to chop, hack. See Hash.]
1. To cross with lines in a peculiar manner in drawing and engraving. See Hatching.
Shall win this sword, silvered and hatched.
Those hatching strokes of the pencil.
2. To cross; to spot; to stain; to steep. [Obs.]
His weapon hatched in blood.
Beau. & Fl.

v. t.[OE. hacchen, hetchen; akin to G. hecken, Dan. hekke; cf. MHG. hagen bull; perh. akin to E. hatch a half door, and orig. meaning, to produce under a hatch. 12.]
1. To produce, as young, from an egg or eggs by incubation, or by artificial heat; to produce young from (eggs); as, the young when hatched. Paley.
As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not.
Jer. xvii. 11.
For the hens do not sit upon the eggs; but by keeping them in a certain equal heat they [the husbandmen] bring life into them and hatch them.
Robynson (More's Utopia).
2. To contrive or plot; to form by meditation, and bring into being; to originate and produce; to concoct; as, to hatch mischief; to hatch heresy. Hooker.
Fancies hatched
In silken-folded idleness.

v. i.To produce young; -- said of eggs; to come forth from the egg; -- said of the young of birds, fishes, insects, etc.

1. The act of hatching.
2. Development; disclosure; discovery. Shak.
3. The chickens produced at once or by one incubation; a brood.

n.[OE. hacche, AS. hc, cf. haca the bar of a door, D. hek gate, Sw. hck coop, rack, Dan. hekke manger, rack. Prob. akin to E. hook, and first used of something made of pieces fastened together. Cf. Heck, Hack a frame.]
1. A door with an opening over it; a half door, sometimes set with spikes on the upper edge.
In at the window, or else o'er the hatch.
2. A frame or weir in a river, for catching fish.
3. A flood gate; a sluice gate. Ainsworth.
4. A bedstead. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott.
5. An opening in the deck of a vessel or floor of a warehouse which serves as a passageway or hoistway; a hatchway; also; a cover or door, or one of the covers used in closing such an opening.
6. (Mining) An opening into, or in search of, a mine.
Booby hatch, Buttery hatch,
Companion hatch, etc. See under Booby, Buttery, etc.
To batten down the hatches (Naut.), to lay tarpaulins over them, and secure them with battens.
To be under hatches, to be confined below in a vessel; to be under arres
v. t.To close with a hatch or hatches.
'T were not amiss to keep our door hatched.

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