Words near each other
・ lest
・ lester
・ let
・ let-alone
・ let-off
・ let-up
・ letch
・ letchy
・ lete
・ leten
・ lethality
・ lethargic
・ lethargical
・ lethargize
・ lethargy
・ lethe
・ lethean
・ letheed
・ letheon

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lethal : 英英辞書
(lth"l), n.[Lauric + ether + alcohol.] (Chem.) One of the higher alcohols of the paraffine series obtained from spermaceti as a white crystalline solid. It is so called because it occurs in the ethereal salt of lauric acid.

(l"thal), a.[L. lethalis, letalis, fr. lethum, letum, death: cf. F. lthal.] Deadly; mortal; fatal. "The lethal blow." W. Richardson.
-- Le"thally, adv.

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