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lineal : 英英辞書
(ln"al), a.[L. linealis belonging to a line, fr. linea line: cf. F. linal. See 3d Line.]
1. Descending in a direct line from an ancestor; hereditary; derived from ancestors; -- opposed to collateral; as, a lineal descent or a lineal descendant.
The prime and ancient right of lineal succession.
2. Inheriting by direct descent; having the right by direct descent to succeed (to).
For only you are lineal to the throne.
3. Composed of lines; delineated; as, lineal designs.
4. In the direction of a line; of or pertaining to a line; measured on, or ascertained by, a line; linear; as, lineal magnitude.
Lineal measure, the measure of length; -- usually written linear measure.

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