(), a.[Cf. F. musical.] Of or pertaining to music; having the qualities of music; or the power of producing music; devoted to music; melodious; harmonious; as, musical proportion; a musical voice; musical instruments; a musical sentence; musical persons. Musical, or Music, box, a box or case containing apparatus moved by clockwork so as to play certain tunes automatically. Musical fish (Zol.), any fish which utters sounds under water, as the drumfish, grunt, gizzard shad, etc. Musical glasses, glass goblets or bowls so tuned and arranged that when struck, or rubbed, they produce musical notes. Cf. Harmonica, 1. Mu"sical n. 1. Music. [Obs.] To fetch home May with their musical. Spenser. 2. A social entertainment of which music is the leading feature; a musical party. [Colloq.] スポンサード リンク