Words near each other
・ mutilation
・ mutilator
・ mutilous
・ mutine
・ mutineer
・ muting
・ mutinous
・ mutiny
・ mutism
・ mutoscope
・ mutterer
・ mutteringly
・ mutton
・ muttony
・ mutual
・ mutualism
・ mutuality
・ mutually
・ mutuary

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mutter : 英英辞書
(), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Muttered (); p. pr. & vb. n.Muttering.] [Prob. of imitative origin; cf. L. muttire, mutire.]
1. To utter words indistinctly or with a low voice and lips partly closed; esp., to utter indistinct complaints or angry expressions; to grumble; to growl.
Wizards that peep, and that mutter.
Is. viii. 19.
Meantime your filthy foreigner will stare,
And mutter to himself.
2. To sound with a low, rumbling noise.
Thick lightnings flash, the muttering thunder rolls.

v. t.To utter with imperfect articulations, or with a low voice; as, to mutter threats. Shak.

n.Repressed or obscure utterance.

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