Words near each other
・ notus
・ notwheat
・ notwithstanding
・ nouch
・ nougat
・ nought
・ nould
・ noule
・ noumenal
・ noumenon
・ nounal
・ nounize
・ nourice
・ nourish
・ nourishable
・ nourisher
・ nourishing
・ nourishingly
・ nourishment

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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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noun : 英英辞書
(), n.[OF. noun, nun, num, non, nom, F. nom, fr. L. nomen name. See Name.] (Gram.) A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing in fact or in thought; a substantive.
By some grammarians the term noun is so used as to include adjectives, as being descriptive; but in general it is limited to substantives.

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