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nurture : 英英辞書
(), n.[OE. norture, noriture, OF. norriture, norreture, F. nourriture, fr. L. nutritura a nursing, suckling. See Nourish.]
1. The act of nourishing or nursing; thender care; education; training.
A man neither by nature nor by nurture wise.
2. That which nourishes; food; diet. Spenser.

(), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Nurtured (); p. pr. & vb. n.Nurturing.]
1. To feed; to nourish.
2. To educate; to bring or train up.
He was nurtured where he had been born.
Sir H. Wotton.
Syn. -- To nourish; nurse; cherish; bring up; educate; tend. -- To Nurture, Nourish, Cherish. Nourish denotes to supply with food, or cause to grow; as, to nourish a plant, to nourish rebellion. To nurture is to train up with a fostering care, like that of a mother; as, to nurture into strength; to nurture in sound principles. To cherish is to hold and treat as dear; as, to cherish hopes or affections.

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