(), a.[L. odiosus, from odium hatred: cf. F. odieux. See Odium.] 1. Hateful; deserving or receiving hatred; as, an odious name, system, vice. "All wickedness will be most odious." Sprat. He rendered himself odious to the Parliament. Clarendon. 2. Causing or provoking hatred, repugnance, or disgust; offensive; disagreeable; repulsive; as, an odious sight; an odious smell. Milton. The odious side of that polity. Macaulay. Syn. -- Hateful; detestable; abominable; disgusting; loathsome; invidious; repulsive; forbidding; unpopular. -- O"dious°ly. adv. -- O"diousness, n. スポンサード リンク