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one : 英英辞書
(). [From Gr. -w°nh, signifying, female descendant.] (Chem.) A suffix indicating that the substance, in the name of which it appears, is a ketone; as, acetone.

(Chem.) A termination indicating that the hydrocarbon to the name of which it is affixed belongs to the fourth series of hydrocarbons, or the third series of unsaturated hydrocarbonsl as, nonone.

(), a.[OE. one, on, an, AS. n; akin to D. een, OS. n, OFries. n, n, G. ein, Dan. een, Sw. en, Icel. einn, Goth. ains, W. un, Ir. & Gael. aon, L. unus, earlier oinos, oenos, Gr. the ace on dice; cf. Skr. ka. The same word as the indefinite article a, an. 299. Cf. 2d A, 1st An, Alone, Anon, Any, None, Nonce, Only, Onion, Unit.]
1. Being a single unit, or entire being or thing, and no more; not multifold; single; individual.
The dream of Pharaoh is one.
Gen. xli. 25.
O that we now had here
But one ten thousand of those men in England.
2. Denoting a person or thing conceived or spoken of indefinitely; a certain. "I am the sister of one Claudio" [Shak.], that is, of a certain man named Claudio.
3. Pointing out a contrast, or denoting a particular thing or person different from some other specified; -- used as a correlative adjective, with or without the.
From the one side of heaven unto the other.
Deut. iv. 32.
4. Clos
1. A single unit; as, one is the base of all numbers.
2. A symbol representing a unit, as 1, or i.
3. A single person or thing. "The shining ones." Bunyan. "Hence, with your little ones." Shak.
He will hate the one, and love the other.
Matt. vi. 24.
That we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.
Mark x. 37.
After one, after one fashion; alike. [Obs.] Chaucer.
At one, in agreement or concord. See At one, in the Vocab.
Ever in one, continually; perpetually; always. [Obs.] Chaucer.
In one, in union; in a single whole.
One and one, One by one, singly; one at a time; one after another. "Raising one by one the suppliant crew." Dryden.

(), indef. pron.Any person, indefinitely; a person or body; as, what one would have well done, one should do one's self.
It was well worth one's while.
Against this sort of condemnation one must steel one's self as one best can.
G. Eliot.
One is often used with some, any, no, each, every, such, a, many a, another, the other, etc. It is sometimes joined with another, to denote a reciprocal relation.
When any one heareth the word.
Matt. xiii. 19.
She knew every one who was any one in the land of Bohemia.
Compton Reade.
The Peloponnesians and the Athenians fought against one another.
Jowett (Thucyd.).
The gentry received one another.

v. t.To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite; to assimilite. [Obs.]
The rich folk that embraced and oned all their heart to treasure of the world.

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