(), n.[F., fr. L. passio, fr. pati, passus, to suffer. See Patient.] 1. A suffering or enduring of imposed or inflicted pain; any suffering or distress (as, a cardiac passion); specifically, the suffering of Christ between the time of the last supper and his death, esp. in the garden upon the cross. "The passions of this time." Wyclif (Rom. viii. 18). To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs. Acts i. 3. 2. The state of being acted upon; subjection to an external agent or influence; a passive condition; -- opposed to action. A body at rest affords us no idea of any active power to move, and, when set is motion, it is rather a passion than an action in it. Locke. 3. Capacity of being affected by external agents; susceptibility of impressions from external agents. [R.] Moldable and not moldable, scissible and not scissible, and many other passions of matter. Bacon. 4. The state of the mind when it is powerfully acted upon and influenced by somethi Pas"sion (), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Passioned (); p. pr & vb. n.Passioning.] To give a passionate character to. [R.] Keats. Pas"sion v. i.To suffer pain or sorrow; to experience a passion; to be extremely agitated. [Obs.] "Dumbly she passions, frantically she doteth." Shak. スポンサード リンク