Words near each other
・ prejudge
・ prejudgment
・ prejudicacy
・ prejudical
・ prejudicant
・ prejudicate
・ prejudicately
・ prejudication
・ prejudicative
・ prejudice
・ preknowledge
・ prelacy
・ prelal
・ prelate
・ prelateity
・ prelateship
・ prelatess
・ prelatial
・ prelatic

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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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prejudicial : 英英辞書
(), a.[L. praejudicialis belonging to a preceding judgment: cf. F. prjudiciel.]
1. Biased, possessed, or blinded by prejudices; as, to look with a prejudicial eye. [Obs.] Holyday.
2. Tending to obstruct or impair; hurtful; injurious; disadvantageous; detrimental. Hooker.
His going away . . . was most prejudicial and most ruinous to the king's affairs.
-- Prej°udi"cially, adv.
-- Prej°udi"cialness, n.

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翻訳と辞書 : 翻訳のためのインターネットリソース

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