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recover : 英英辞書
(r?k?v"?r), v. t.[Pref. re- + cover: cf. F. recouvrir.] To cover again. Sir W. Scott.

(r?k?v"?r), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Recovered (-?rd); p. pr. & vb. n.Recovering. ] [OE. recoveren, OF. recovrer, F. recouvrer, from L. recuperare; pref. re- re + a word of unknown origin. Cf.Recuperate.]
1. To get or obtain again; to get renewed possession of; to win back; to regain.
David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away.
1 Sam. xxx. 18.
2. To make good by reparation; to make up for; to retrieve; to repair the loss or injury of; as, to recover lost time. "Loss of catel may recovered be." Chaucer.
Even good men have many failings and lapses to lament and recover.
3. To restore from sickness, faintness, or the like; to bring back to life or health; to cure; to heal.
The wine in my bottle will recover him.
4. To overcome; to get the better of, -- as a state of mind or body.
I do hope to recover my late hurt.
When I had recovered a little my first surprise.
De Foe.
5. To rescue; to deliver.
That they may recover themselves out of the s
(r?k?v"?r), v. i.
1. To regain health after sickness; to grow well; to be restored or cured; hence, to regain a former state or condition after misfortune, alarm, etc.; -- often followed by of or from; as, to recover from a state of poverty; to recover from fright.
Go, inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover of this disease.
2 Kings i. 2.
2. To make one's way; to come; to arrive. [Obs.]
With much ado the Christians recovered to Antioch.
3. (Law) To obtain a judgement; to succeed in a lawsuit; as, the plaintiff has recovered in his suit.

n.Recovery. Sir T. Malory.

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