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reform : 英英辞書
(r?f?rm"), v. t.[F. rformer, L. reformare; pref. re- re- + formare to form, from forma form. See Form.] To put into a new and improved form or condition; to restore to a former good state, or bring from bad to good; to change from worse to better; to amend; to correct; as, to reform a profligate man; to reform corrupt manners or morals.
The example alone of a vicious prince will corrupt an age; but that of a good one will not reform it.
Syn. -- To amend; correct; emend; rectify; mend; repair; better; improve; restore; reclaim.

v. i.To return to a good state; to amend or correct one's own character or habits; as, a man of settled habits of vice will seldom reform.

n.[F. rforme.] Amendment of what is defective, vicious, corrupt, or depraved; reformation; as, reform of elections; reform of government.
Civil service reform. See under Civil.
Reform acts (Eng. Politics), acts of Parliament passed in 1832, 1867, 1884, 1885, extending and equalizing popular representation in Parliament.
Reform school, a school established by a state or city government, for the confinement, instruction, and reformation of juvenile offenders, and of young persons of idle, vicious, and vagrant habits. [U. S.]
Syn. -- Reformation; amendment; rectification; correction. See Reformation.

(r?f?rm"), v. t. & i.[imp. & p. p.Re-formed (-f?rmd"); p. pr. & vb. n.Re-forming.] To give a new form to; to form anew; to take form again, or to take a new form; as, to re-form the line after a charge.

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