(), n.[See Ridge.] A ridge. [Prov. or Scott.] Rig v. t.[imp. & p. p.Rigged (); p. pr. & vb. n.Rigging ().] [Norweg. rigga to bind, particularly, to wrap round, rig; cf. AS. wrhan to cover.] 1. To furnish with apparatus or gear; to fit with tackling. 2. To dress; to equip; to clothe, especially in an odd or fanciful manner; -- commonly followed by out. Jack was rigged out in his gold and silver lace. L'Estrange. To rig a purchase, to adapt apparatus so as to get a purchase for moving a weight, as with a lever, tackle, capstan, etc. To rig a ship (Naut.), to fit the shrouds, stays, braces, etc., to their respective masts and yards. Rig n. 1. (Naut.) The peculiar fitting in shape, number, and arrangement of sails and masts, by which different types of vessels are distinguished; as, schooner rig, ship rig, etc. See Illustration in Appendix. 2. Dress; esp., odd or fanciful clothing. [Colloq.] Rig n.[Cf. Wriggle.] 1. A romp; a wanton; one given to unbecoming conduct. [Obs.] Fuller. 2. A sportive or unbecoming trick; a frolic. 3. A blast of wind. [Prov. Eng.] Wright. That uncertain season before the rigs of Michaelmas were yet well composed. Burke. To run a rig, to play a trick; to engage in a frolic; to do something strange and unbecoming. He little dreamt when he set out Of running such a rig. Cowper. Rig v. i.To play the wanton; to act in an unbecoming manner; to play tricks. "Rigging and rifling all ways." Chapman. Rig v. t.To make free with; hence, to steal; to pilfer. [Obs. or Prov.] Tusser. To rig the market (Stock Exchange), to raise or lower market prices, as by some fraud or trick. [Cant] スポンサード リンク