(), a.[L. rotatus, p. p. of rotare to turn round like a wheel, fr. rota wheel. See Rotary, and cf. Roue.] Having the parts spreading out like a wheel; wheel-shaped; as, a rotate spicule or scale; a rotate corolla, i.e., a monopetalous corolla with a flattish border, and no tube or a very short one. Ro"tate (), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Rotated (); p. pr. & vb. n.Rotating.] 1. To turn, as a wheel, round an axis; to revolve. 2. To perform any act, function, or operation in turn, to hold office in turn; as, to rotate in office. Ro"tate v. i. 1. To cause to turn round or revolve, as a wheel around an axle. 2. To cause to succeed in turn; esp., to cause to succeed some one, or to be succeeded by some one, in office. [Colloq.] "Both, after a brief service, were rotated out of office." Harper's Mag. スポンサード リンク