(), n.[Probably a reduplication of saw, to express the alternate motion to and fro, as in the act of sawing.] 1. A play among children in which they are seated upon the opposite ends of a plank which is balanced in the middle, and move alternately up and down. 2. A plank or board adjusted for this play. 3. A vibratory or reciprocating motion. He has been arguing in a circle; there is thus a seesaw between the hypothesis and fact. Sir W. Hamilton. 4. (Whist.) Same as Crossruff. See"saw° v. i.[imp. & p. p.Seesawad (); p. pr. & vb. n.Seesawing.] To move with a reciprocating motion; to move backward and forward, or upward and downward. See"saw° v. t.To cause to move backward and forward in seesaw fashion. He seesaws himself to and fro. Ld. Lytton. See"saw° a.Moving up and down, or to and fro; having a reciprocating motion. スポンサード リンク