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send : 英英辞書
(), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Sent (); p. pr. & vb. n.Sending.] [AS. sendan; akin to OS. sendian, D. zenden, G. senden, OHG. senten, Icel. senda, Sw. snda, Dan. sende, Goth. sandjan, and to Goth. sinp a time (properly, a going), gasinpa companion, OHG. sind journey, AS. s, Icel. sinni a walk, journey, a time. W. hynt a way, journey, OIr. st. Cf. Sense.]
1. To cause to go in any manner; to dispatch; to commission or direct to go; as, to send a messenger.
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran.
Jer. xxiii. 21.
I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
John viii. 42.
Servants, sent on messages, stay out somewhat longer than the message requires.
2. To give motion to; to cause to be borne or carried; to procure the going, transmission, or delivery of; as, to send a message.
He . . . sent letters by posts on horseback.
Esther viii. 10.
O send out thy light an thy truth; let them lead me.
Ps. xliii. 3.
3. To emit; to impel
(), v. i.
1. To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand.
See ye how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away my head?
2 Kings vi. 32.
2. (Naut.) To pitch; as, the ship sends forward so violently as to endanger her masts. Totten.
To send for, to request or require by message to come or be brought.

n.(Naut.) The impulse of a wave by which a vessel is carried bodily. [Written also scend.] W. C. Russell. "The send of the sea". Longfellow.

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