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stand : 英英辞書
(), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Stood (); p. pr. & vb. n.Standing.] [OE. standen; AS. standan; akin to OFries. stonda, stn, D. staan, OS. standan, stn, G. stehen, Icel. standa, Dan. staae, Sw. st, Goth. standan, Russ. stoiate, L. stare, Gr. to cause to stand, to stand, Skr. sth. 163. Cf. Assist, Constant, Contrast, Desist, Destine, Ecstasy, Exist, Interstice, Obstacle, Obstinate, Prest, n., Rest remainder, Soltice, Stable, a. & n., State, n., Statute, Stead, Steed, Stool, Stud of horses, Substance, System.]
1. To be at rest in an erect position; to be fixed in an upright or firm position; as: (a) To be supported on the feet, in an erect or nearly erect position; -- opposed to lie, sit, kneel, etc. "I pray you all, stand up!" Shak. (b) To continue upright in a certain locality, as a tree fixed by the roots, or a building resting on its foundat
(), v. t.
1. To endure; to sustain; to bear; as, I can not stand the cold or the heat.
2. To resist, without yielding or receding; to withstand. "Love stood the siege." Dryden.
He stood the furious foe.
3. To abide by; to submit to; to suffer.
Bid him disband his legions, . . .
And stand the judgment of a Roman senate.
4. To set upright; to cause to stand; as, to stand a book on the shelf; to stand a man on his feet.
5. To be at the expense of; to pay for; as, to stand a treat. [Colloq.] Thackeray.
To stand fire, to receive the fire of arms from an enemy without giving way.
To stand one's ground, to keep the ground or station one has taken; to maintain one's position. "Peasants and burghers, however brave, are unable to stand their ground against veteran soldiers." Macaulay.
To stand trial, to sustain the trial or examination of a cause; not to give up without trial.

(), n.[As. stand. See Stand, v. i.]
1. The act of standing.
I took my stand upon an eminence . . . to look into thier several ladings.
2. A halt or stop for the purpose of defense, resistance, or opposition; as, to come to, or to make, a stand.
Vice is at stand, and at the highest flow.
3. A place or post where one stands; a place where one may stand while observing or waiting for something.
I have found you out a stand most fit,
Where you may have such vantage on the duke,
He shall not pass you.
4. A station in a city or town where carriages or wagons stand for hire; as, a cab stand. Dickens.
5. A raised platform or station where a race or other outdoor spectacle may be viewed; as, the judge's or the grand stand at a race course.
6. A small table; also, something on or in which anything may be laid, hung, or placed upright; as, a hat stand; an umbrella stand; a music stand.
7. A place where a witness stands to testify in court.
8. The situation of a shop, store,
(), v. i.(Card Playing) To be, or signify that one is, willing to play with one's hand as dealt.

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