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starve : 英英辞書
(), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Starved (); p. pr. & vb. n.Starving.] [OE. sterven to die, AS. steorfan; akin to D. sterven, G. sterben, OHG. sterban, Icel. starf labor, toil.]
1. To die; to perish. [Obs., except in the sense of perishing with cold or hunger.] Lydgate.
In hot coals he hath himself raked . . .
Thus starved this worthy mighty Hercules.
2. To perish with hunger; to suffer extreme hunger or want; to be very indigent.
Sometimes virtue starves, while vice is fed.
3. To perish or die with cold. Spenser.
Have I seen the naked starve for cold?
Starving with cold as well as hunger.
W. Irving.
In this sense, still common in England, but rarely used of the United States.

v. t.
1. To destroy with cold. [Eng.]
From beds of raging fire, to starve in ice
Their soft ethereal warmth.
2. To kill with hunger; as, maliciously to starve a man is, in law, murder.
3. To distress or subdue by famine; as, to starvea garrison into a surrender.
Attalus endeavored to starve Italy by stopping their convoy of provisions from Africa.
4. To destroy by want of any kind; as, to starve plans by depriving them of proper light and air.
5. To deprive of force or vigor; to disable.
The pens of historians, writing thereof, seemed starved for matter in an age so fruitful of memorable actions.
The powers of their minds are starved by disuse.

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